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This ‘R for macOS FAQ’ is rather incomplete at the moment and requiresĬontributions from users. While R.APP refers to the GUI-based Mac OS application that controls In this document R refers to the core, command-line-based R system Manuals, the latest versions of which can be found at Information on using R on macOS which supplements the main R This document contains a user guide to the R.APP version of R, and Next:, Previous: Top, Up: Top 1 Introduction I get ``command not found'' in the GUI yet it works in the Terminal - why?.What is the difference between the CRAN build and a vanilla build?.Why doesn't R GUI support keyboard shortcut XYZ ?.Why are there faint lines in image plots?.I don't see a thing when installing packages!.I see spurious error messages when starting R!.How can I interrupt lengthy operations or output?.What happens if I drag a file on the R icon?.Which kind of packages can I install using the GUI?.The current and startup working directories.How can R for macOS be obtained and installed?.Next: Introduction, Previous: (dir), Up: (dir) R for macOS FAQ Frequently Asked Questions on R for macOS Version 4.1.1, 1.77 Stefano M.